Thursday, March 29, 2012

Eureka, but wait....

It hit me today that not only do I not give a fuck about circumcision, but if I had to choose, had I ever had a baby, I probably would not get him circumcised.

All I've ever known was circumcision.  However, after doing my own reading and research, I have to say I probably would not do it.  That is also under the circumstances that my husband agreed.  I know that, for a man, having a son is one of the greatest joys in the world.  So I would have to have his agreement.  And then we might have a fight, or we might not.  I don't know.

And I'll never know, because I don't have a uterus.

With that being said, if the Intactivists would calm down I think they could do some good in this world.  But they just can't do it, and I honestly do not understand why.

From the moment I clicked on the ERIC Facebook page I felt belittled, put on the spot, and felt like I was being yelled at.  So I went on the defensive.

The blog the next day was just a common everyday thing that I do.

Then came the bombardment.  They just happened to pick the wrong one to bombard because I will fight all day long with a paper bag if I have to.  They said things to me they would NEVER have gotten out of their mouths all the way in person because I would have slapped the shit out of them.

Anyway, it is a shame that there is a good message but nobody can hear them from all the different ways they go about putting people on the defensive.  I was taught a great deal about giving information to people who don't want to listen or accept that information when I was in nursing school.  If these people really want to get their point across they have GOT to stop going about it the way they are.

The following words should be DELETED from their vocabulary:

1.  Mutilated (or any variation thereof)
2.  Ruined
3.  Perfect
4.  Ignorant
5.  Fetish (or any variation thereof)
6.  Any condescending words like sweetie, honey, sweet cheeks, etc.
7.  Any accusatory words that put mothers or fathers on the defense to begin with.

With all of that being said, you can't change everyone's minds.  Some people will listen to you and some won't.  I've tried to teach drug addicts how to get off of drugs only for them to overdose as soon as they leave the hospital, I've tried to teach teenage mothers how to properly use birth control only for them to come back pregnant, I've tried to teach diabetics how to take care of themselves so that they don't lose parts of their body only for them to come in months later and have their leg amputated because they chose not to listen.  I've told patients, after routine colonoscopies, to make sure that they come back next year and get a repeat colonoscopy because we found a polyp.  Did they come back in a year?  No.  They came back in five and found out that that polyp had grown into a cancerous mass.

People do not always listen.  I'm sorry but that is just the way it is.

I think the ones of you who are rational, calm individuals should break away from the people who seem to have lost their fucking minds and call yourselves something else because, I gotta tell you, the word "Intactivist" has a very bad connotation from what I have experienced, from what my friends have experienced, and from what I have researched on the internet.

Good luck.

~ Jen

1 comment:

  1. I remember being involved in that "discussion" when it first started, and it seemed to be a pretty good mix of opinions and facts. I am not sure when it got ugly and that is unfortunate. The topic of routine infant genital cutting is an emotional one for sure and I think that on the internet, sometimes meanings can also get misinterpreted. It does happen. The word "intacivist" is as general as "Democrats" or "Republicans"... and even "Christians" and "Atheists"..... all have one thing in common, they describe a group of people with similar beliefs, yet each can be vastly different from each other within that group of people. I try not to generalize, it's unfair, but I do agree that some tactics that are used are not beneficial to a worthy cause like speaking up for infant males, who do not get a say in what parts of their body they get to keep, and the unconstitutional laws that protect females from any form of genital cutting, yet do not protect males. These are the real issues, the important issues, and I, for one, will continue to reach out, speak out, provide information, continue to learn and tell my own story to anyone who will listen. Yes, I am an Intactivist, and I am proud to be one.
