Friday, March 16, 2012

No heart at all

Check out this link.

One of the main culprits in the constant, never-ending attack on this woman was Ron Low, self-proclaimed TLC Tugger.  Google TLC Tugger if you don't know about it.  It's riveting.


  1. Hi,
    Thanks for all the unsolicited attention. I guess we'll take on more help to deal with all the sales inquires. Maybe some of it's due to being on the Oprah Network and Discovery Channel, but we are busy.

    I don't appreciate you lying about my role in whatever it was that got you up in a tizzy. I never did anything except post a few rational on-topic persuasive appeals in already-started conversations about something that is very important to me as a survivor of genital mutilation and as a peace activist. If you choose to have a bad hair day over, I can't stop you.

    Wanting to undo sexual damage you didn't ask for is not disgusting. I can't say the same for failing to have compassion for victims of forced genital cutting.

    1. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but hold on. I like to go Google stuff after you "peace activists" post it. By "being on the Oprah Network" do you mean bashing her because of the skin cream she talks about? That's not really being on the Oprah Network, Ron. And by "being on the Discovery Channel" do you mean the episode of the show "Strange Sex" that focuses on sexual dysfunction?

      Shit. I could be on HBO but I damn sure don't want to be on Taxi Cab Confessionals. Bwah. Bwahahahahahaha.

  2. Oh Ron. As usual you can't read. This post has to do with the fact that you attacked this woman for over a year.

    That's what is disgusting.

    We'll forward your comment to the moderator of this blog and see if she actually gives a shit.

    1. Hi,
      I never attacked Haskins, and I never did anything but offer reasons not to circumcise when she brought it up on her blog. It's a lie that I did anything to her for a year.

      After the death I did one insensitive thing, which was to highlight her ironic Tweet begging for a spot on the Ellen show to complain about invasion of privacy. If I recall, about a year later she blogged about having another child and I shared one YouTube link.

      Do check out Strange Sex season 2 episode 1 which has now run on OWN, TLC, Discovery Health, and a few others. It's a nice introduction to non-surgical foreskin restoration, which of course addresses the dysfunction of not having a foreskin.

    2. That's my exact point, Ron.

      We fully understand having passions in life and having beliefs that strike you right to your core. But we also understand boundaries.

      We apologize for stating untruths about it being a year of harassment, if indeed it is a lie. We are still researching that.

      The point: Do you understand when it's time to stop talking to someone that they do not want to hear about? Also, do you understand that it was AWFUL what you and other intactivists did to that mother? Do you realize what horror she was already living and that it was beyond horrible what you and the other intactivists put her through? Are you capable of realizing that?

      We will set our DVRs to attempt to catch your episode.

    3. Here is the actual interaction, Ron. Clearly the grieving Mrs. Haskins felt the need to plead with you and your ilk to stop harassing her.


      Jill Haskins@fierceandfiesty
      @TLCTugger You guys have already given me all the information I need. No need to continue to beat a dead horse over a year later.
